Inspirations - Days of Innocence series

Days of Innocence

When we are born, we are very much at the mercy of who we are. The environment, the people, the life style. We take on characteristics and habits of things we are exposed to very quickly. I liken this to the empty pages of a book. We each get one at the start of our lives, and through the journey we take, experience, words, thoughts, and everything else that makes us who we are, gets written down in that book. Once the words are there, they stay there, they can't be removed. But sometimes, new events in our lives can change the meaning of the words sometimes for the better and sometimes not.

I decided I wanted to explore this with a continuing series of images of young animals. For me, that had to be foals, although I have added to the series with a Barbary Macaque!

Days of Innocence - 6
Lets think about the foals though...

The problem that I have seen is that many times, a foal starts life well, and through human intervention becomes less trusting, more scared, or develops a defensive mechanism due to the way its treated. Funnily enough, the same could be said about humans babies too. You only have to listen to the news to hear about how we treat each other to realise that the animals will fall prey to the same traumas.

The big difference between man and horse is that the horse doesn't have any ability to have a hidden agenda. To be vicious because it wants to be? No, it simply reacts to its environment, and the way it is treated. Same with humans, we only become what we are by the way our surroundings effect us.

We should all be more careful about the words we decide to write in each others books, and remember the days of innocence with a heightened appreciation...
Days of Innocence - 5
