Myerscough 2013 - Monty Roberts Tour
Myerscough 2013
Myerscough is always a nice venue to film at. The layout is good for me, and they have plenty of electric WIFI! Bless their little boot encapsulated socks! Before we get started, the funny thing pointing at Monty in the Round Pen in the panoramic view above is the top of my camera (audio received). I didn't share the platform with a dale, although I felt that the technology was getting the better of me that night.
One of the important things to do when filming is to be as inconspicuous as possible. I had a really bad night of it. Almost falling of the tower while Monty was having the round pen meeting should have given me a clue to the rest of the night!
The next time was while prepping the Go Pro for the loading horses. It just fell apart in my hands! If that had been it, then I would have been happy, but Monty was again talking, but this time to a war veteran who was about to join-up with a horse. Yep, Palmer the clumsy! It's surprising how loud a small bit of plastic can sound!


Remember the spooky Friesian above? Well, in the demo, here's the final result. Lovely horse...
Finally, thanks to Myerscough for their generosity on the charity print. I know you are now at the top of the leader board for money donated to "Have A Heart".
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