....Are we there yet?

From Hartpury to the Grange....The final leg.

The Monty Roberts tour has finished. Last night, in front of a warm hearted audience at the Grange, Monty delivered his last demo of the tour. You would be forgiven for thinking that everyone then goes home, sits back and takes it easy. But, that just isn't the case... 

Monty, while on tour in the UK, has also been over to Scandinavia to host a 2000 strong demo, before the final leg of our UK tour. He now jumps on a plane and goes to Germany to start 30 horses for a client. After that, he'll fly across the world to Brazil, before finally getting home in December. If I can be that energetic at 78 I'll be a very happy man indeed. 

Its been fair to say, that the horses on this tour have been more challenging and surprising than any previous tour. Monty has been excited at the prospect of maybe three of the filmed horses making their way onto his online university. Something he sees as his legacy and and important body of work that carried his methods through to a wider audience in bite size chunks. For me, it is fascinating conclusion to the material I film. It goes to the US, and Dawn (Monty's film editor), will work the footage into lessons, or episodes of programs for Horse & Country TV amongst others. 

Kelly, after delivering Monty to the airport, will head back to HQ to finalise the plans for Your Horse Live. She has a big demonstration of work using her team of Recommended Associates in the arena which will be fun but hard work for all involved. 

All the regular team seem to take it in their stride, draw a short breath, and then continue at a pace. The overwhelming feeling is that there isn't enough time in life to do the work to help the horses that collectively need the support of people who 'get' it. 
The running jokes on tour with me have been the lights at the venues. On the last leg, Hartpury to Grange, I have had everything from the best (Hartpury), to lights on generators that have gone out because the generator over-heated, to the Grange....where I always end up sighing due to the lights not working where you need them. Although this year Crofton gets the award for lighting mishaps, the Grange does cone a close second with a large bank of broken lights. Thank fully, Monty and the team have been more than patient with my little OCDness. 

Don't try this at home!

I'll post a few more bits and bobs from tour over the coming days, as my head clears from last night at the Travel Sludge. The person in the room above mine, must have had hob nailed boots and couldn't sleep......
