Day Three - Cheetah Surgery

An extraordinary day at AfriCat. Wile the surgeons were slowly working through the list of Cheetah due to be sterilised, they found a large growth in one of them. Removing it, showed that the animals defensive systems had protected the body from a plant spine that had possibly migrated throug the stomach lining into the cavity where the ovaries are. Showing huge amounts of skill they removed it using key hole surgery!

I managed to crack the back viewing glass of my D800! Personally, while I have to say these things happen. Why is it the Nikon leave the viewing area slightly proud of the body? Is it simply aesthetics or something more? Like iPads or iPhones that are drop on the edge of the screens the glass will 'crazy pave' along and become badly damaged. What Nikon need to do is look at this. 

High end cameras that are used for professional work should be as robust as they can make then.
