Day one - an airport and plane

In the past, as someone who has flown a lot in his life. I've never found it difficult to get on a plane and go somewhere. The strange geeky feeling of flying has never left me. Getting to the airport, checking in, watching the other travellers, wondering what their stories are etc etc. But this time, well, it's been different. I have a son, my second to be precise. I also have a daughter, and both son and daughter are old now and living their own lives. My new son, however, and my lovely wife. Are people who came into my life much later. 

In some respects I feel really bad as when I had my first son and daughter, I was a carrier minded I.T. Professional getting close to have a breakdown if I'm honest. But now, I live a wonderful life, photographer and cameraman. Something that a lot of people aspire to. The idea of doing something you've always wanted to do with passion. It's not been straight forward, by any stretch of the imagination. I don't expect it ever will.

But today, right now, as I sit in Terminal 5 of Heathrow. I realise that this journey takes on a special meaning. My son, Philip, right now is 21 months old. Starting to talk, develop his humour and character,and so loveable!

This journey is taking me to Namibia, a country I love. I've only been there once before but it made a powerful impression. I was spoilt. 

It occurs to me that my son may never see some of the wild life I will be working with over the next two weeks in the wild. Some will possibly be extinct before I get him out to either Namibia or somewhere else I might find these lovel animals. Sad but true...

Plane has been delayed for about fifty minutes...
